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Club Structure

Easton & Martyr Worthy Cricket Club has several adult teams which play at the weekends and midweek in the summer, and also play indoor league cricket throughout the off-season.

The EMWCC First XI play in the Hampshire League County Division 1; the Second XI play in Regional Division 1 North East; and the Third XI play in Regional Division 2 North East.

Senior practice nets are held on Thursday evenings at the club throughout the season and indoors at HCS School in the winter.

The active and well-supported Junior Section trains boys and girls at the club on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the summer and has indoor training during the winter at Henry Beaufort and Princes Mead School Sports Halls.

U9, U11 and U13 matches are usually played on Sunday mornings and U15 matches on Friday evenings. The U11, U13 and U15 teams also play indoor league matches in the winter.

By the time players reach the U15 team, they are invited to start playing in the adult teams, starting with the Third XI which is made up of parents and U15 and U17 players.

General Committee

Chairman: Adrian Lee
Vice Chairman: John Brewer
Club Secretary: Seb Stannard
Treasurer: Stuart Upcraft
Club Captain: Mark Dickety
Groundsman: Lee Padwick

Senior Team Captains

Club Captain: Mark Dickety
Head Coach: Ian Stuart
First XI Captain: Ben Stanbrook
Second XI Captain: Ben Stanbrough
Third XI Captain: Andrew Wickham
Evening League Captain: Seb Stannard
Easton & Martyr Worthy Wanderers Captain: David Reid

Junior Committee

Junior Co-ordinator: Graham Croft
Junior Secretary: Frances Skipwith
Club Welfare Officer: Bruce Hansen
Junior Publicity Officer: Tracy Wickham

Junior Managers

All Stars Activator: Rhian McNaughton
Under 9 Manager: Graham McNaughton
Under 11 Manager: George Burnand
Under 13 Manager: Graham Croft
Under 15 Manager: Alex Mitchell

Up-to-date contact details for all club officers can be found on our Contact Us Page

Club Officials

President: John Roth

Vice Presidents:

Earl Temple of Stowe, John Guest, David Marsh, Harry Gray, Michael Gray , Francis Hobbs, Mark Godson, Geoffrey Burnand, David Bishop, John Brewer, Robert Hall, Eric Thompson, Peter Neave, Damon Barker, Theo Mezger, Karen Wells

Life Members:

John Guest 1989, Ben Marsh 1994, Jess Hobbs 1994, Francis Hobbs 1994, J.Whitear 1997, Derek Fullick 2001, Mick Neville 2001, Chris Green 2004,
Nigel Wilmott 2004, Trevor Yeates 2007, Roy Paramor 2007, Martin Hall 2008, Anthony Passingham 2008, Richard Butcher 2009, Andrew Dickety 2010, Steve Green 2010.